Our group decided to interview the Human Resource Manager of the PAG-IBIG Fund, Mrs. Laarni A. Lobo regarding with our assignment #8, which is “Interview a personnel/human resource manager on his concept on the nature, scope and role of human resource management. Do you agree with him? Explain. Is his concept similar to that of the management of his organization? If not, ask him how the differences are settled.” At first she could not find any words to say as we surprise her with our assignment, because all she knew was we are there to have a counter sign of our HRIS proposal. But then as we rephrase the question she then pause for a while and think for an answer. Mrs. Lobo then emphasize that human resource is the “vital factor” of the company. She also added that the role of the HRM is to professionalize the employee for the quality service that they can offer to their clients.
After I heard her answer, I then realize that what she have said was true. In order to have a quality service, it should start with the employee.